Ευρωπη, μεσαιωνας.Η βουβωνικη πανωλη πιο γνωστη ως πανουκλα,η οποια σύμφωνα με τις εκτιμήσεις, θα άφησει πίσω της 137 εκατομμύρια νεκρούς,θεριζει.Την ιδια στιγμη που οι αστικοι πλυθησμοι προσπαθουν να εγκαταλειψουν τις πολεις,μια συμμορια 4 κλεφτων αφαιρουν χρυσα δοντια κοσμηματα και οτιδηποτε πολυτιμο απο τα πτωματα που βρισκονται σκορπισμενα στους δρομους και τα σπιτια.
Τελικα συλλαμβανονται,αλλα τα ερωτηματικα για το πως δεν κολλησαν την θανατηφορα ασθενεια ειναι πολλα. Aποφασιζεται να τους δωθει χαρη αν αποκαλυψουv το μυστικο της ανοσιας τους.
Οι 4 κλεφτες ηταν αρωματοποιοι και εμποροι μπαχαρικων στο επαγγελμα, και ομολογησαν πως ανακαλυψαν ενα μιγμα αρωματικων λαδιων που τους προστατευε.Ηταν ενα μιγμα απο αιθερια ελαια καννελας(Cinnamomum verum), γαρυφαλου (το καρφι, οχι το λουλουδι)(Syzygium aromaticum), λεμονιου (Citrus limon),ευκαλυπτου (Eucalyptus radiata) και δενδρολιβανου(Rosmarinus officinalis).
Συμφωνα με επιστημονικες μελετες ,αν σε ενα κλειστο χωρο ψεκαστουν αιθερια ελαια ,δημιουργειται μια θανατηφορα ζωνη που σκοτωνει τα περισσοτερα αερομεταφερομενα παθογονα μικροβια.Το 1997, μελετες στο Weber State University εδειξαν 99.96% επιτυχια εναντιων αερομεταφερομενων βακτηριδιων.
Πληροφοριες για την απολυμαντικη ικανοτητα των αιθεριων ελαιων (στα αγγλικα)
Σε ερευνες στην Γαλλια απο τον καθηγητη Griffon, Director of the French Police Toxicology Laboratory, η δυνατοτητα αντισηψιας, μιγματος αιθεριων ελαιων οπως λεβαντα ,δενδρολιβανο γαρυφαλου ,πευκου ,θυμαριου μεντας και καννελας μελετηθηκε με σκοπο να δουν την ικανοτητα απολυμανσης ενος χορου απο παθογονα μικροβια .
Μελετηθηκαν οι επιπτωσεις ψεκασμου σε ενα κλειστο χορο σε 210 αποικιες διαφορων μικροβιων συμπεριλαβανομενων μουχλας και σταφυλοκοκων
Μετα απο μονο 15 λεπτα ,μονο 14 αποικις απο τις αρχικες 210 ηταν ζωντανες.Μετα απο 30 λεπτα μονο 4 αποικιες ηταν ζωντανες.Το σημαντικοτερο, ολοι οι σταφυλοκοκοι και η μουχλα ειχαν σκωτοθει στα πρωτα 30 λεπτα. (Πηγη Bio/Tech News; Nature's Amazing Healing Oils).

Για την παρασκευη του :
1)Χρησιμοποιηστε μονο γυαλινα δοχεια οταν δουλευετε με εθαιρια ελαια.Προτιμιστε σκουρα μπουκαλακια.
2)Γεμιστε ενα φλυτζανι με καποιο λαδι ως βαση.Μπορειτε να χρησιμοποιησετε αμυγδαλελαιο, λαδι Τζοτζομπα η ακομη και ελαιολαδο.
3)Προσθεστε 1 κουταλι σουπας γαρυφαλαιλεο, 1 κουταλι σουπας ελαιο Λεμονιου, 2 1/2 κουταλιες ελαιο καννελας,2 κουταλια Δενδρολιβανο και 2 λουταλια ελαιο Ευκαλυπτου.
4)Ανακατεψτε καλα ετσι ωστε να "δεσουν " τα εθαιρια με το λαδι της βασης.Το λαδι Jojoba εχει μεγαλη διαρκεια ζωης, 2 περιπου χρονια, και δεν αφηνει λιπαρο το δερμα οπως ισως αλλα λαδια.Να φυλαχτει σε σκιερο μερος για να διατηρηθει.(http://www.ehow.com/how_4947972_treat-flu-homemade-thieves-oil.html)
Μπορειτε να αλοιφετε μια σταγονα καθε μερα στο στηθος σας για προφυλαξη απο πιθανες μολυνσεις και κρυολογηματα.
Για να καθαρισετε τον αερα στο δωματιο σας η σε καποιο χωρο,βραστε λιγο νερο και μετα προσθεστε 2-3 σταγονες για να εξατμιστουν αργα.

Χρησιμοποιηστε το σε σπρει και ψεκαστε οποιο χωρο επιθυμητε.
Ριξτε μερικες σταγονες στο νερο που σφουγγαριζετε.
Χρησιμοποιηστε το σε αρωματιστες χωρου,σε σχολεια ,σε παιδικους σταθμους.Ειναι τελειως ακινδυνο για εισπνοες (εκτος και υπαρχει συγκεκριμενο προβλημα-συμβουλευτητε τον γιατρο σας)
Βαλτε την φαντασια σας να δουλεψει και αξιοποιηστε το οπως πρεπει αποφευγοντας αντιβιοτικα και χημικες λυσεις.
The Black Plague and the Secret of 4 Thieves Oil
As the bubonic plague decimated Europe in the year 1413, four thieves were captured and charged with robbing the dead and dying victims. When the thieves were tried, the magistrate offered leniency if they would reveal how they resisted contracting the infection as they performed their gruesome acts. They explained that they were perfumers and spice traders and told of a special concoction of aromatic herbs, including cloves and rosemary, that they rubbed on their hands, ears, and temples.
In 1997, studies conducted at Weber State University showed it to have a 99.96% success rate against airborne bacteria. The bacteria cultures were sprayed in an enclosed area, and Thieves oil blend was diffused for a given amount of time (http://www.secretofthieves.com/)
How to make your own thieves oil
Use only glass bottles to store your completed aromatherapy solution. Any time you’re working with essential oils – avoid plastic—it may eat right through it after a few days. I chose dark blue glass bottles with attached dropper caps for easy use and to protect my Thieves' Oil. Purchasing all the oils and the blue bottles cost less than $40 dollars and I ended up with four, 2-oz bottles. That is much cheaper than purchasing the ready-made oil online or in the health food store.

Measure out one cup of Jojoba oil (or another carrier) into a clean glass container. While almond oil and grape seed oil are also great carriers, jojoba has a longer shelf life.
Add 1-tablespoon of Clove Bud Oil, 1-tablespoon of Lemon Oil, 2 1/2-teaspoons of Cinnamon Oil and 2-teaspoons of each Rosemary Oil and Eucalyptus Oil. I hunted and compared numerous recipes and finally settled on this one, given me from the practitioner of Easter healing arts that I interviewed. He mentioned that this was an aromatherapy formulation he learned decades ago but he thought other recipes would also be effective. He dispenses Thieves' Oil under a different name to his patients and he claimed that some swore by its effectiveness against regular flu.
Stir the oil well to blend all the essential oils with the carrier oil and pour it into glass bottles for personal use. If you use a different carrier oil, discard the leftover portion after 6-months. If you use Jojoba, the shelf life is approximately two years. However, it must be stored out of direct sunlight to retain its strength.
Dab a drop on your chest at bedtime and massage into your skin, as your mother did with mentholated ointment when you were a child. Carry a tiny vial of Thieves' Oil with your, in your purse or on a chain around your neck and dab a bit on your neck during the day. The nice thing about Jojoba Oil is that is does not leave your skin greasy like grape seed oil does.
To clear the air in your home, boil a pot of water on the stove and add two or three drops of Thieves' Oil to the simmering water. The anti-microbial and anti-bacterial aromatherapy properties will sanitize the air.

Many uses for thieves oil
1. Placing a drop of Thieves Oil Blend on the tongue and pushing it against the roof of the mouth may be soothing for head pressures.
2. Rubbing Thieves Oil Blend neat on the temples may be soothing for a sugar indulgent head pressure.
3. Putting 4-8 drops of Thieves Oil Blend on a cotton ball and locate on heating/cooling vents may assist in purifying the air and may help in controlling odors.
4. Adding 2 drops of Thieves Oil Blend to a wet cloth and putting in the clothes dryer may help with keeping the dryer sanitized and control odors.
5. Applying Thieves Oil Blend (neat) daily to warts may help soothe the area.
6. Placing 1 drop of Thieves Oil Blend on a toenail may help in the relief of toe fungus. Also, soaking the foot in hot water (not too hot to burn skin) with Epsom salts combined with 2 drops of Lavender for 20 minutes then pat dry and clean the affected area; then dropping 1 drop of Thieves Blend on toe may soothe the area. Repeat 3-5 times per week until feeling better.
7. Rubbing Thieves Oil Blend on the big toe before retiring may help with proper vision.
8. Applying Thieves Oil Blend diluted 1 drop oil to 5 drops V6 Mixing Oil may be helpful in soothing pinkeye and other eye inflammations. (Do Not Get In The Eye)
9. Sanitize pierced earrings may be achieved by cleaning with Thieves Oil Blend.
10. Dusting may be enhanced by putting the Thieves Oil Blend on an oiled cloth – 1oz. olive oil or V6 Mixing Oil per 1 drop Thieves Oil.
11. Putting Thieves Oil Blend on a cotton ball and placing with stored items may help keep them fresh.
12. Putting drops of Thieves Oil Blend on a couple cotton balls and placing in closets may help to freshen it.
13. Putting 2 drops of Thieves Oil Blend on cotton balls in storage chests may help to keep freshened.

15. Putting 2 drops of Thieves Oil Blend on cotton balls and place in toes of shoes and boots may help to deodorize and sanitize and may help to keep bugs away.
16. Dropping Thieves Oil Blend straight on a cloth and rubbing may help remove permanent marker stains.
17. Dropping several drops of Thieves Oil Blend on cotton balls in glass bowls around the house while leaving on vacation may help to keep the house deodorized and freshened while gone.
18. Rubbing Thieves Oil Blend on hands may help to sanitize them after touching unclean items such as door handles, shopping carts, restroom handles, restaurant menu’s and etc.
19. Putting 3-6 drops of Thieves Oil Blend in a glass of purified water and drinking may help soothe an irritated throat.
20. Rubbing a couple drops of Thieves Oil Blend on the bottom of each foot each day may help in building the immune system and may help to ward off winter ‘bugs’.
21. Spraying Thieves Oil Blend mixed with purified water onto mold of various descriptions on floors, walls, wallboard, boards, tile, cement, outside house walls, bathrooms, and bath tubs and or showers and etc. has been tested effective through research to possibly control and stop the mold.
22. Diffusing Thieves Oil Blend may help to protect against mold and germs. Do this by using a Young Living diffuser.
23. Diffusing with Thieves Oil Blend may help to deodorize your home environment and dispel unwanted odors.
24. Putting 1 drop of Thieves Oil Blend on toothbrush before brushing the teeth may improve gum health.
25. Dropping Thieves Oil Blend may help to remove glue from stickers on surfaces (natural goo-b-gone).
26. Applying Thieves Oil Blend on a splinter may help in its removal.
27. Applying Thieves Oil Blend to spiny cactus splinters may help with the removal of them as well as may help to disinfect the area and cause soothing.
28. Applying Thieves Oil Blend to a hurting or irritated finger, toe, or other hurts may help with the irritation and soothe it and may reduce the tenderness.
29. Applying Thieves Oil Blend to poison ivy may help soothe and relieve the irritation.
30. Applying Thieves Oil blend to the teeth or gums may be soothing if sore or inflamed.
Uses For Thieves as Household Cleaner
31. Oven cleaner spray Thieves Cleaner full strength and let sit for an hour, rinse and wipe clean.
32. Laundry -- 1 capful Thieves Cleaner in 1 cup water, add to water for the wash cycle or add 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to the soap bin at beginning of the wash.
33. Paint stains – washing the affected area, clothes or surface with Thieves Cleaner full strength may help to take out the stain.
34. Vegetable stains from juicing – soak for 30 minutes the plastic and or metal cutting blades in a solution of full strength Thieves Cleaner with 3 Detoxzyme capsules (From Young Living) then clean
35. Automatic Dishwasher -- add 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to the bottom of the dishwasher.
36. Hand Dish washing -- add 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to a sink of hot water (does not suds, but will get them clean and sanitized).
37. Hand Washing extra dirty pots and pans -- use Thieves Cleaner.
38. Cleaning counter tops -- spray with Thieves Cleaner and let sit for 1-2 minutes, wipe dry.

40. Stove and oven fronts -- wipe with Thieves Cleaner
41. Stove top -- clean with Thieves Cleaner depending on tough cleaning need.
42. Shower tile -- spray with Thieves Cleaner , let sit for a minute, rinse and wipe clean.
43. Mop floor -- Thieves Cleaner depending on tough cleaning need.
44. Toilet -- Thieves Cleaner depending on cleaning need.
45. Shower mold -- spray using Thieves Cleaner let sit 5 minutes and rinse, repeat if necessary.
46. Shower glass -- spray Thieves Cleaner on glass and wipe dry. *Newspaper leaves a streak free shine.
47. Window cleaner -- spray Thieves Cleaner on glass and wipe dry. *Newspaper leaves a streak free shine.
48. Window Sills -- clean with Thieves Cleaner
49. Base boards -- clean with Thieves Cleaner
50. Bathroom counters – clean with Thieves Cleaner.
51. Bathroom sinks -- clean with Thieves Cleaner
52. Shower curtain -- wash with Thieves Cleaner
53. Bath tub -- clean with Thieves Cleaner
54. Liquid hand soap -- use Thieves Cleaner and add in a hand soap pump dispenser. (The equal amounts used will depend on size of dispenser)
55. Use as dryer softener -- spread ½ capful Thieves Cleaner on wash towel and place in the dryer.
56. Spots on fabric -- spray on Thieves Cleaner and wipe with clean cloth (color test first).
57. Stains on carpet -- spray on Thieves Cleaner and wipe with clean cloth (color test first).
58. Degreaser -- clean with Thieves Cleaner according to cleaning need.
59. Walls -- wash with Thieves Cleaner and rinse clean and dry.
60. Floors -- mop with Thieves Cleaner and then rinse, even works for wood floors.
61. Carpet cleaning for machines -- add Thieves Cleaner to machine and clean floors.
62. Cleaning silk plants -- spray on Thieves Cleaner to silk plants then wipe clean.
63. Controlling Mold -- spray on the concrete patios, sidewalks, driveways, home siding or brick on home with the Thieves Cleaner let sit and then wash down. If mold is bad may need to spray full strengh Thieves Cleaner.
64. Wallpaper removal – spray wallpaper area with Thieves Cleaner and then pull off the paper. This will also help clean the woodwork on the way down and the flooring.
65. Phone -- wipe down with Thieves Cleaner
66. Door knobs -- wipe down with Thieves Cleaner
67. Toilet seats-- clean with Thieves Cleaner and wipe dry.
68. Insect problem – spray Thieves Cleaner around your vegetable, flowers or house to see pesky insects scatter.
69. Pet odors -- spray Thieves Cleaner in air and on furniture (test fabric color-fastness first).
70. Dog & cat beds – spray with Thieves Cleaner weekly.
71. Live plants – spray Thieves Cleaner to mist plants.
72. Grout cleaner -- spray Thieves Cleaner full strength and scrub with old toothbrush.
73. Car interior cleaner – wash with Thieves Cleaner
74. Patio furniture cleaner – wash with Thieves Cleaner as needed.
75. Mini-blinds -- wipe down with Thieves Cleaner as needed.
76. Tire cleaner -- wash down with Thieves Cleaner with wet brush then rinse.
77. BBQ grill grates -- clean with Thieves Cleaner, may require a brush.
78. Office cleaning -- use Thieves Cleaner Guide for office cleaning as you would your home.
79. Ceiling fan blades -- use Thieves Cleaner to wipe down.
80. Sneakers -- spray with Thieves Cleaner to deodorize and sanitize.
81. Shoe cleaner -- use Thieves Cleaner as needed for cleaning.
82. Luggage cleaner -- use Thieves Cleaner
83. Purse or handbag cleaner, use Thieves Cleaner
84. Luggage cleaner -- use Thieves Cleaner
85. Exercise equipment -- wipe down with Thieves Cleaner , great home gym cleaner.
86. Clean sink overnight – pour ½ capful Thieves Cleaner full strength to deodorize drains and let sit.
87. Diaper pail -- pour ½ capful Thieves Cleaner full strength in bottom of pail, let sit, then clean and dry.
88. Wipe down crib -- use Thieves Cleaner to clean and sanitize the crib.
89. Wipe down high chair –use Thieves Cleaner to clean and sanitize the high chair.
90. Disinfect toys -- use Thieves Cleaner as needed to keep clean and sanitized.
91. During times of sickness – use Thieves Cleaner to clean dishes, silverware, spray into the air, floors, hands, clothes, bedding, door handles, bathroom sinks, faucets, toilets and etc. Use as general cleaning to keep your environment clean and sanitized.
92. Quick cleaning – use Thieves Cleaner most anywhere.

Keep bottles of essential oils tightly closed and store them in a cool location away from light.
If stored properly, essential oils will maintain their potency for many years. Keep essential oils out of reach of children. Treat them as you would any product for therapeutic use.
Do not use essential oils rich in menthol (such as peppermint) on the throat or neck area of children under 30 months of age.
Direct sunlight and essential oils. Lemon, bergamot, orange, grapefruit, tangerine, White Angelica and other citrus oils may cause a rash or darker pigmentation if applied to skin exposed to direct sunlight or UV rays with 3 to 4 days of use.
Keep essential oils away from eye area and do not put into ears.
Do not handle contact lenses or rub eyes with essential oils on fingers. Oils with high phenol content – oregano, helichrysum, cinnamon, thyme, clove. Lemongrass, bergamot,
Thieves may damage contacts and irritate eyes.
Pregnant women should consult their health care professional before using essential oils containing constituents with hormone-like activity, such as clary sage, sage, Idaho tansy, juniper and fennel.
Epileptics and those with high blood pressure should consult their health care professional before using essential oils. Avoid using hyssop, fennel and Idaho tansy oils.
People with allergies should test a small amount of oil on a small area of sensitive skin, such as the inside of the arm, before applying the oil on other areas.
The bottom of the feet is one of the safest, most effective places to use essential oils.
Before taking GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe) essential oils internally, always dilute with an oil-soluble liquid like honey, olive oil or soy milk.
Do not add undiluted essential oils directly to bath water. Use Bath Gel Base as a dispersing agent for oils in the bath.(http://www.thieves-secret.com/145-ways-thieves.htm#thieves)
1 comment:
Πολυ ενδιαφερον και χρησιμο ακουγετε! Αν βρω το χρονο και τα υλικα θα το κανω ωποσδηποτε!
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